How to Trade POE Currency
Poe currency trade are through face to face transactions completed and you must need a role level reaches 25 levels in your account if you not have 25 level role in your accounts you can not trade in poe. and For the sake of faster trading it is best to have hideout! now we will list some special in poe orbs trade
1) if you not have hideout, You need go to act 1_1 and tell us in livechat our gamer will go act 1_1 home and find your trade you bought poe orbs for you!
2) Before trading, look at the backpack is have Enough space to accept the trade
3) in trade progress you need gave us some you did not need items or currency for trade. of course if you do not have those items Also can be traded
Our poe currency Delivery gamer gave customer some suggest for POE trading progress
1.Our player will send you a friend request and invite you to a Party, please accpet his request in game.
2.We will get into your hideout if you have one. If not, please go to The Forest Encanpment of Normal-act2 after you join the party.
3.Make sure to list a worthless item as the offer when trading and we will deliver the items to you.
4.Please tell our Livechat Operator after the trade is done.