Hello friends. Take a break from looking for fast and safe POE currency as today we are sharing with you some great Path Of Exile Legacy League highlights, from Path Of Exile YouTuber, Midise. He is pretty well known in the Path Of Exile community and we have had a great time checking out his highlight videos from this current Legacy League.

Why would I want to waste time watching other people play Legacy League? Is most likely a question you are asking yourself right now, but here us out. We have gotten really into watching more experienced players take on the Legacy League. It is a lot of fun to watch and it is cool seeing some of the moments that happen to him. Well they are kind of funny when they happen to someone us, but if we got screwed over like he did on some occasions, we would probably rage quit.


The constant "What did I Do" during this highlight video was funny as hell and something most of us who have spent hours and hours with Path Of Exile can all relate to.


We know that this is a bit of a random post today, but we feel that if you are having a bit of trouble with Legacy League or even if you are just new to the world of Path Of Exile, but you want to know what all the hype is with Legacy League then these highlight videos are a great place to start. Just be warned that there is a fair bit of bad language here. Still for those that want a little bit of a break from looking for fast and safe POE currency Midise's videos are awesome!